An elegant OOP with mixins + AOP for JavaScript.


If you have questions on dcl check out following resources:

  • Documentation - the first stop for information on dcl, explanations, and examples.
    • Docs 2.x - All 2.x-specific documentation.
    • Docs 1.x - All 1.x-specific documentation.
  • Source code - use the source, Luke!
    • Branch for 2.x: dev2x.
    • Branch for 1.x: dev1x.
  • dcl.js forum - dedicated mailing list, if you prefer to communicate by email use [email protected]
  • @dcl_js - follow on Twitter to get announcements (low volume)
  • +dcl.js - follow on Google+ (low volume)

If you found a bug, or a documentation error, or any other problem:

  • Bug tracker on github - just open a ticket.
    • Bugs with small test cases will be fast-tracked.
    • If you have a solution, do not hesitate to do a pull request, which should include a fix and its test.

And you can always write to me on Github.